Investment and Economic growth


Investment and Economic growth

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۱۴ اسفند ۹۶ ، ۱۳:۲۳

EU ready to mull possibility of connecting Iran to SGC

Tehran (ISNA) - European Commission Vice-President for Energy Union Maros Sefcovic announced EU is ready to discuss the possibility of Iran’s joining to the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC) with all partners of the project.

Sefcovic made the remarks in a press conference at the 4th Ministerial Meeting of the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council in Baku.

The official further noted that in order for Iranian gas to be delivered to Europe, necessary infrastructures should be provided in the country.

This will also depend on Iran's strategy, as presently the country mainly focuses on increasing oil export, he said.

Expression of interest by different countries to the Southern Gas Corridor once again testifies to its importance as a strategic infrastructure, he added.

Thanks to the project Europe will have access to a region rich in energy resources, Sefcovic said, adding the European side is ready to discuss all further opportunities related to the Southern Gas Corridor.

The issue has been several times discussed with Iran’s representatives, he added.

The Southern Gas Corridor is one of the priority projects for the EU and provides for the transportation of 10 billion cubic meters of Azerbaijani gas from the Caspian region through Georgia and Turkey to Europe.

The goals of the Southern Gas Corridor are to reduce Europe's dependency on Russian gas and add diverse sources of energy supply.

The route from Azerbaijan to Europe consists of the South Caucasus Pipeline, the Trans-Anatolian Pipeline, and the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline.

The total investment of this route is estimated $45 billion.

۰۸ اسفند ۹۶ ، ۲۱:۰۳

Firefighters quickly snuff out fire

۲۹ بهمن ۹۶ ، ۱۳:۱۳

the power of economic ideas

هر ایده اقتصادی مرتبط با مجموعه ای از فرضیات است

۱۶ بهمن ۹۶ ، ۱۵:۲۷

one of the most successful banks in Iran

۱۳ بهمن ۹۶ ، ۱۸:۰۰

making media

رشد اقتصادی هیچ معنی به جز رشد فراگیر ندارد./جان گرین، نویسنده

۲۷ دی ۹۶ ، ۱۴:۵۶

Introduction To AYANDEH BANK

Ayandeh bank is a commercial bank was established in Iran.It provides some finance services such as:

corporate loan balance and corporate deposits.Also,they provide bank-insurance business services, bank securities , bank-futures financial cooperation, personal loans for business among other customer services.

 In October, the CBI released a list of officially authorized banks and credit institutions, excluding nine financial institutions and Ayandeh Bank.

۲۵ دی ۹۶ ، ۱۳:۰۵

the role and importance of insurance

The economic development of any country is dependent on its financial system -- its banks, stock markets, insurance sector, pension funds and a government-run central bank with authority -- or at least influence -- over currency and interest rates. In developed countries, these two sides of the economic coin work together to promote growth and avoid runaway price inflation.

Insurance provides financial support and reduce uncertainties in business and human life. It provides safety and security against particular event. There is always a fear of sudden loss. Insurance provides a cover against any sudden loss.